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Vendor: Eagle Global Solution
Available: Available
Atlas' white plain Baguette bags are the perfect solution for packaging and transporting your delicious baguettes with simplicity and elegance. These clean and crisp bags provide a convenient and stylish way to carry your baked goods, whether you're a bakery owner or a baguette enthusiast.
Prices displayed on the website are valid for online purchases only. Please see your local cash and carry for in-store pricing.
Please allow for 1 day delay in delivery.
required based on accessibility of your location, proximity of your
location to our delivery routes, nature of your order. We will notify
you if additional charges apply before your delivery.
Atlas' white plain Baguette bags are the perfect solution for packaging and transporting your delicious baguettes with simplicity and elegance. These clean and crisp bags provide a convenient and stylish way to carry your baked goods, whether you're a bakery owner or a baguette enthusiast.